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152 Search Results Found
1 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 16:36 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…got it working.  The auto_filter and the nopopulate are apparently incompatible with the directory_datastore.  If those are important and you need some sort of substitute or workaround let me know and I will see what i can figure out.   …
2 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 13:16 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…you!! Just for my understanding.  Why did I need to do that?   Here is my thinking. I dropped the table, and thus the index was dropped. I also dropped the preference:  KJC_TEST_INDEX_2_NETWORK_PREF and then recreated. I then …
3 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Wed, 16 August 2023 17:12 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…am past the Cert error and it is indexing the content of the document.  However, it is still incomplete.  It is only created 203 tokens off of a 58 page document.  It is missing several words, and numbers.  It is incomplete.  That…
4 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 08:47 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…is the script that I ran.  I had to change a few things in order to get it to run. commit; DROP TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2; CREATE TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2       (assigned_id  VARCHAR2(11),   …
5 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 10:57 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…think I am getting closer.  Here is what I have so far, but it is failing.  I am getting a certificate error.  How do I resolve that?  See error message at bottom. commit; DROP TABLE KJC_TEST_INDEX_2; CREATE TABLE …
6 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 03:17 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…is my test with network_datastore and timeout of 3600 seconds and no_proxy and ''.  The error on the dropping of the url_datastore is only because it had been previously dropped, so that can be ignored. C##…
7 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 15:24 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…following is a simplified demonstration based on your previous post that shows how to check your index creation for errors and how to create a log of the details of the index process from running the index creation statement, then check that log.  I …
8 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 20:50 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…did not index the document.   Here is the script that I ran: DELETE FROM KJC_TEST_INDEX_1 WHERE assigned_id = 'MCP-135' / INSERT into KJC_TEST_INDEX_1 (assigned_id, text_content_url)  VALUES ('ABC-123', '…
9 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Mon, 14 August 2023 19:48 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
…I ran the script where you changed the names and removed parallel, I got the same results as you.  Hopefully, you left everything intact at that point.  Please run the script below.  I have posted the output that I got below that.  If …
10 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 12:58 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
11 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 30 June 2022 04:36 «» By: thiyagarajancs
…Dears, I am facing an issue while configuring the email via sendgrid. Kindly help me to resolve the issue. ###########################################Sample Procedure…
12 Forum: Training & Certification «» Posted on: Thu, 03 January 2002 12:59 «» By: j.smith
Re: ocp exam
…is the deal. There are hundreds if not thousands of sites out there that allow you to download tests for differnet certification. Most of the test are similar. So the key to passing ORACLE tests is to go onto their website: and take a look …
13 Forum: Text & interMedia «» Posted on: Tue, 15 August 2023 11:52 «» By: kjcook
Re: How to determine last tiime Content was indexed
14 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Mon, 03 April 2023 00:05 «» By: Alexeyg
Meet dbForge Edge - Brand New Multidatabase Solution by Devart
…has released a new multidatabase solution in the dbForge product line - dbForge Edge. The solution includes four database IDEs that cover a wide range of tasks across multiple database management systems. Devart, one of the leading developers of …
15 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Fri, 12 August 2022 06:48 «» By: namviet
Re: McTnsping: a tnsping-like program for Windows
…guys, Thanks for sharing this application. I reached to this topic when finding the way to validate my ODAC driver installation. I need that ODAC for PowerBi Desktop connection to Oracle. However after installation of ODAC, PowerBI still can´t connect …
16 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Thu, 21 July 2022 10:52 «» By: Andrey_R
Re: Time metrics in V$SQL don't add up
…seem to be asking for the same thing here in 2010 Yet I've seen no good answer. In one of them, some folks point out to this article https&#…
17 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Thu, 18 February 2016 12:02 «» By: Michel Cadot
McTnsping: a tnsping-like program for Windows
… I have posted a tnsping-like program in our tnsping wiki page. This is a Windows stand-alone program which requires no Oracle client. It implements easy connect strings, tnsnames.ora or ldap resolution method. The help is the following one: C:\>…
18 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Sat, 02 September 2023 15:09 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: Jaro-Winkler similarity for 9i
…is my test, removing the diacritical marks and multiplying your result by 100 and rounding it for comparison.  It seems to perfectly match Oracle, so if that was the goal then you succeeded, at least with this original dataset. C##SCOTT@XE_21.…
19 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Thu, 06 July 2023 09:41 «» By: Andrey_R
Re: RMAN restore - only DB backup ( no SF\CF\archivelog backup )
… Thanks John. I tried to do something similar, but wasn't sure it made sense, and also was hitting some errors, possibly doing other stuff wrong.. So trying now with some more awareness this time : C:\Users\Administrator>oradim -new -sid …
20 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 08 March 2023 11:10 «» By: Barbara Boehmer
Re: Different UTC time from SYSDATE on different databases
…am on Oracle 12c, so I cannot test this, but I see you are on 21c and 19c, where there is a TO_UTC_TIMESTAMP_TZ function that accepts a string representing a DATE with time, that you can get using TO_CHAR on v$session.logon_time and returns a timestamp …
21 Forum: Data Guard «» Posted on: Sat, 11 February 2023 11:31 «» By: Andrey_R
Re: RMAN-06820 on rman backup from standby with OS authentication
…you actually do the test, rather than merely speculating, it may become clear that the datafile backup is 100% useless without the redo required to make it consistent. That's a fair point. So I did: - Install Oracle 19c EE, no PDB, on Windows Server…
22 Forum: Forms «» Posted on: Thu, 06 October 2022 16:38 «» By: brayampettai
CLIENT_TEXT_IO.fopen wont work if Application is started using a
… I am trying to create a file in a directory in the local machine like c:\myfolder and write data to the file using the below. client_text_io.fopen client_text_io.put_line client_text_io.fclose when we access the application from a browser, …
23 Forum: Marketplace «» Posted on: Tue, 29 October 2019 18:00 «» By: Richardd Ku
…We're looking to hire a full-time Sr. Oracle DBA at our Winston-Salem, NC facility. We do offer a competitive base salary plus a discretionary bonus. Depending where you're moving from, we can offer a standard relocation package. Unfortunately, we …
24 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Thu, 20 June 2019 15:41 «» By: jr1
Re: Second listener on 19c (Linux)
… (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1524)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1524)) ) ) SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = kl3db) (ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/19c/…
25 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Sun, 10 February 2019 13:30 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Tree View, Connect by Prior on 100m records
… With any SQL or PL/SQL question, please, Post a working Test case: create table (including all constraints) and insert statements along with the result you want with these data then we will be able work with your table and data. Explain with words and …
26 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Wed, 14 November 2018 04:32 «» By: dineshkumar18
Calling Java function from pl/sql
…All, I have created a java code for SFTP purpose and Java code is working fine as i have tested the same from my local machine. Note: I have already imported Jsch library into Oracle data base using loadjava functionality. adter that i have created…
27 Forum: Performance Tuning «» Posted on: Tue, 30 October 2018 10:38 «» By: cookiemonster
Re: A question about how to code a procedure to use dbms_parallel_execute package for a huge insert
…for dbms_paralell_execute to work you need to divide the data you're working on into chunks. In most of the examples it's chunking a table to be updated. To make it work with an insert/select you need to chunk (one of) the table(s) you're selecting from…
28 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 04 October 2018 20:03 «» By: TheMatrix
How to read correctly the execution plan in oracle, both in tree and tabular mode?
…Hello, Environment: OS: CentOS 7 X86_64 Oracle version: Oracle 18c Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version Test case: HR sample schema set pagesize 500 set heading on column …
29 Forum: General «» Posted on: Fri, 05 January 2018 21:54 «» By: dba4oracle
Re: SQL Report running manually not through cron
…captured env in file while running in cron,as expected env have all values properly below is env.capture HOME=/data/myuser/user1 HOST=IAPL1 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LOGNAME=user1 ORACLE_HOME=/opt/u01/app/oracle/…
30 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Sun, 27 August 2017 12:25 «» By: rkrishna
Bulk Inserts with CLOB column Slower in Oracle 12c than Oracle 11g
…are noticing that large table inserts with CLOB is taking more time on 12c than 11g. The inserts are during an online transaction processing where we copy data from one business unit to another. There is one table in particular that is taking considerably…
31 Forum: Server Administration «» Posted on: Wed, 14 June 2017 14:36 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: creating a database link between 12c and 8i
Are "ITW7029.raymourflanigan.local" (listening endpoint) and "" (in TEST entry) the same thing? Also TEST points to service TEST and listener is not listening for this service.
32 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Sun, 12 February 2017 03:01 «» By: OraFerro
Re: Using Oracle UTL_MAIL to send email through Kerio email server
…All, After learning where to execute the script from, I created the package and its body and also configured the mail server (enabled SMTP component and added the Oracle DB server IP to the SMTP senders list) I failed to send email due to ORA-29278…
33 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 28 July 2016 13:32 «» By: Michel Cadot
Re: Extract value from xml
… 1L? 1 liter? The only thing you can do (apart from using faster hardware) is to give the complete and exact path instead of */* or //. And the moderator bit: Please read OraFAQ Forum Guide and How to use [code] tags and make your code easier to …
34 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Tue, 22 March 2016 13:08 «» By: M123
connection issue-how to reset ?
…all, trying to load text file using external table concept. first :create a diretory test_dir SQL> conn sys as sysdba Enter password: Connected. SQL> create or replace directory test_dir as ' C:\Users\m123\Desktop'; Directory …
35 Forum: Replication «» Posted on: Mon, 14 December 2015 23:42 «» By: arminva
Re: error installing OGG12c Director: java.lang.Exception: JDBC Driver Jar not found
…BlackSwan, Thanks for reply. I set Oracle bash_profile like below. TMP=/tmp; export TMP TMPDIR=$TMP; export TMPDIR ORACLE_HOSTNAME=testsrv; export ORACLE_HOSTNAME ORACLE_UNQNAME=testdb; export ORACLE_UNQNAME ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export …
36 Forum: Training & Certification «» Posted on: Tue, 03 November 2015 08:09 «» By: matthewmorris68
Re: Oracle MySQL exam 1Z0-883
…Unfortunately, you are not going to find anything legitimate on this exam (yet). There was a book that Steve O'Hearn was planning to write... but ultimately decided not to. Todd Farmer (…
37 Forum: Backup & Recovery «» Posted on: Mon, 22 June 2015 08:19 «» By: elisabethde
Re: OEM Backup settings - ORA-27040, ORA-12505.
… NEVER do that it is a security hole. Database instance (service) should have NO access to remote resources. OK. But when I have local I don't have permission to shared folder. Local Service Q:\>lsnrctl status LSNRCTL for 64-…
38 Forum: Client Tools «» Posted on: Tue, 17 March 2015 18:08 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: SQL*Plus not executing scripts, goes into an editor mode(!?) instead
…content of @h:\test.sql & make sure that the last line in the file is just "EXIT" Please read and follow the forum guidelines, to enable us to help you: and read…
39 Forum: Security «» Posted on: Sun, 22 February 2015 09:25 «» By: morad_dba
…all, I am getting the following errors DECLARE l_url VARCHAR2(50) := '[url][/url]'; l_http_request UTL_HTTP.req; l_http_response UTL_HTTP.resp; BEGIN -- Make a HTTP request and get the response…
40 Forum: SQL & PL/SQL «» Posted on: Thu, 15 January 2015 14:34 «» By: BlackSwan
Re: issue with a select query using row_number
…to this forum. Since we don't have your tables or your data, what specific help do you expect from us since we can not begin to run, test, or debug posted code? Please read and follow the forum guidelines, to enable us to help you: http://www.…
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